Cost Benefits and Savings
Healthcare Management and Billing’s diverse services are about helping your practice organization save money. Our comprehensive knowledge and experience in medical claim billing and practice management will help you streamline your operations, and provide better service to your patients.
- Immediate savings from $5,000 to $50,000 – no need to purchase hardware or software.
- Lower monthly costs – yearly average savings of $15,000
- no need to add new employees
- no clearing house fees
- no need to change your practices
- minimal learning curve
Better Cash Flow Management
We will help improve your receivables by insuring that all medical claims are complete and properly structured, submitted via the fastest possible method, and in most cases, through electronic submissions on a daily basis, thereby reducing potential interruptions in your cash flow.
Increase Claims Pay Out Rate
Incomplete and incorrect medical claims sent to insurers often end up in trash bins. Our experienced staff will make sure all claims are properly submitted, reducing the need for resubmissions. Any unpaid, denied, underpaid or delayed claims are followed up. This aggressive, proactive approach to our medical claims processing often results in faster and higher pay out rate.
Reduction in Operational and Capital Cost Expenditures
Our professional staff keeps up with the latest in medical billing procedures and regulations, so your staff can concentrate more efficiently on your practice. Staff turnover will have minimal impact on your medical billing processing and staff training.
We keep up with the latest in billing software and technology so you don’t have to. No more worrying about regular software upgrades and expensive retraining: saving you time, money, and interruptions.
"Health is the most important thing you have in life!"
Contact us now to schedule an appointment.